The Television mini-series “twenty six miles” stars John Schneider as Jack Kincaid, a successful business man who has his reasons for wanting to run off to an island, get the band back together, and live the good life. Does that sound familiar? It’s pretty much the story of 99.9% of all of our Trop Rock musicians! Tower 17 Productions wants to put “twenty six miles” in production as a regular weekly series and can use all of our help. We’re going to rally the Trop Rock Troops together and create a ground-swell of support to let out such a loud roar to the network executives that we’re tired of the onslaught of bad reality shows along with the same old dramas of cops and hospitals…we want a TV show that is going to take us to the islands, keep us smiling, send us positive vibes, and play a lot of great Trop Rock music during the show! BeachFront Radio has two goals- the first is to play music that we know you BeachBums want to hear. The second is to expose Trop Rock music to as many folks as we can, and we know that this is one of the best ways to let the rest of the world find out about the music you all love so much!

Along with John Schneider, who you all know from Desperate Housewives and Smallville…oh, and that Bo Duke thing from all those years ago, the series also stars Eric Lange from Lost along with a host of stars such as Keri Kincaid from True Blood, George Segal, James Denton, and Billy Dee Williams. “twenty six miles” also includes an incredible soundtrack featuring two bands. The first is The Renegade Band with lead vocals shared by John and Eric as well as American Idol Finalist Kimberly Caldwell. The second band is The Salty Doggers featuring Andy and Matt from the band Massacoustics. Hmmm…a stellar cast, islands, booze, pretty girls, and Trop Rock music. It certainly sounds like a winner to us! You’ll be hearing a lot more about “twenty six miles” and how you can be part of the group that IS going to get this on as a regular television series. You’ll also be hearing from the stars and the musicians as well as Executive Producer Rob Miller. You can also learn more about this amazing series by logging onto the “twenty six miles” FaceBook page and by stopping by their website at The soundtrack is also now available to download in The Music Hut…that’s right, Bo Duke is now Hut PHolk! We welcome “twenty six miles” and Tower 17 Productions as our latest sponsors of both BeachFront Radio and DJ Jeff’s Amish Beach Party and look forward to seeing “twenty six miles” every week!